Abstract submission
The submission deadline is 24 September 2023
Guidelines for Abstract Submission
- The abstract must address scientific questions, report clinical observations or contain primary scientific data
- Abstracts should be submitted in clear English
- Abstracts should not exceed 500 words (excluding titles, authors and affiliations)
- 1 table or figure can be included.
- The author should indicate submission for ‘poster or oral’ or ‘poster only’
- Please adopt the following structured format:
– Background/Introduction
– Aims
– Methods/Materials
– Results
– Summary/Conclusions - At least one of the authors should be registered and present during the meeting, no registration compensation is provided for presenters
- Brand names and commercial logo’s on posters and in presentations are prohibited
- The deadline for abstract submission is 24 September 2023
Abstract review
Each abstract will be reviewed and scored by all members of the BSTH board. Abstracts may be selected for oral presentation or poster presentation, depending on the score. The board will classify the abstracts based on the below mentioned criteria clinical/laboratory and basic research during the review process
Definition of clinical/laboratory and basic research for the abstract sessions
Clinical & Clinical Laboratory:
a) Relating to the observation and treatment of actual patients rather than theoretical or laboratory studies
b) Relating to the quality of the test results, explaining the significance of laboratory tests, evaluating new methods and studying the effectiveness of laboratory tests, used in the treatment of actual patients
c) Epidemiological research dealing with actual patient groups
Basic & Applied Research:
a) Investigation and analysis focused on a better or fuller understanding of a topic, phenomenon, or a basic law of nature instead of on a specific practical application of the results
b) The research conducted to solve specific problems or to answer specific question
c) Research done on non-human material
Accepted abstracts will be published in the congress abstract book and possibly in the Belgian Journal of Hematology.